Vitis vinifera L
Red Brown powder
OPC 95%, Polyphenols 80%
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Grape Seed Extracts are industrial derivative from whole grape seed that have a great concentration of OPC. The OPC has widely found from many plant species after it was firstly discovered by French scientist Jacques Masquelier from peanut shell. Human case reports and and results from laboratory and animal studies provide preliminary evidence that grape seed extract having antioxidant, no poisonous and anti-inflammatory.
1. Grape seed extract are antioxidant activity;
2. Grape seed extract have eye health effects (degenerative eye can reduce the incidence of spots and cataracts);
3. Grape seed extract have heart health benefits (reduced exercise-induced vascular sclerosis porridge);
4. Grape seed extract can reduce cancer risk;
5. Grape seed extract can enhanced vascular strength (strengthening the blood vessels the flexibility of the wall).;
6. Grape seed extract has anti-inflammatory, removal of swollen.
1.Grape seed extract can be made into capsules, tablet and granule as healthy food.
2.Grape seed extract has been widely added into the beverage, the wine and cosmetics as the functional content.
3.Grape seed extract can be widely added into all kinds of foods such as cake, cheese as the nurture, natural
antiseptic in Europe and USA, and it has increased the safety of the food.